The Feeding Ministry

This is one of our most powerful ministries.  Every week we feed people who are homeless and transient by preparing lunches and going out onto the streets to give them away. You can serve by donating food or by signing up to come in on Saturdays from 11am - 1pm!  Signing up ahead of time for this ministry is very important, so that we don’t waste food.  Because of the inability to predict each environment we visit, children aged 10 and older, accompanied by their parent/legal guardian, can participate in handing out the lunches.  Children ages 8 and up can accompany their parent on Saturday mornings and help put together the bags, but, for their safety, they may not help hand out sandwiches or be left in a car, at a site, unattended. If your child is too young to serve here, purchasing snacks/juice boxes with your child to donate, talking about their purpose and even praying over them with your child can have a very significant meaning:)  Teens 14 and older can serve without a parent.  This ministry is currently led by servant volunteers, and is overseen by Jerry Halpin.  Click the link to join the group and get involved in this ministry!

Link to Feeding Ministry

Juice the feeding ministry

Each year our Feeding Ministry hands out over 3900 juice boxes and YOU can help us fulfill our goal of another successful year! Help us Juice the Feeding Ministry by purchasing and bringing in juice boxes of all varieties! No sign up necessary, just buy some juice boxes and bring them with you on a Sunday and leave them under the coat rack:)

Call 631-208-0123 or Email for details.